Τον σκότωσαν μαζι με τα δυο του παιδιά, επειδη αποκάλυψε την εμπλοκή της Σαουδικής Αραβίας στην 9/11

Ο Philip Marshall δολοφονηθηκε μαζι με τα δυο του παιδιά (φωτο) και τον σκύλο της οικογένειας.
Ήταν ο συγγραφέας του βιβλίου 9/11 “The Big Bamboozle, όπου αποκάλυπτε με στοιχεία πως η Σαουδική Αραβία σε συνεργασία με τις Αμερικανικές μυστικές υπηρεσίες οργάνωσαν το χτυπημα της 11ης Σεπτεμβρίου στους δίδυμους πύργους.
Με στοιχεια αποκάλυψε τα στοιχεια των τρομοκρατών και την εκπαίδευση τους σε Αμερικανικό έδαφος, όπως και την χρήση του Μπιν Λάντεν απο την CIA για να φύγουν τα φώτα απο την “σύμμαχο” χώρα.
Σήμερα, μετά την Στυγνή δολοφονία του ίδιου και των παιδιών του, τα μεγαλύτερα μέσα της Αμερικής αποκαλύπτουν την μυστική έκθεση που αποσιωπήθηκε και τεκμηριώνει τους ισχυρισμούς του Marshall: Ολική ανατροπή στις ΗΠΑ: Οι Σαουδάραβες πίσω από την 11η Σεπτεμβρίου!
Μια παρόμοια μικρογραφία ζήσαμε πριν λιγο καιρό, όπου στην βομβιστική επίθεση στην Βοστώνη, ο Σαουδάραβας αυτουργός…έφυγε σαν κύριος με ανώτατη εντολή, παρότι είχε συλληφθεί και ανακρινόταν: ΑΠΙΣΤΕΥΤΟ! Απέλασαν νύχτα τον σαουδάραβα που είχε συλληφθεί στην Βοστώνη για λόγους “Εθνικής ασφάλειας”!!
Δείγμα των πανίσχυρων δεσμών της “αυτοκρατορίας του κακού” με την υπερδύναμη.
Ο κάθε ένας λοιπόν, μπορεί να λεει το κοντό του και το μακρύ του για όλα τα θέματα. Αυτος ο άνθρωπος όμως αποκάλυψε την αλήθεια και μαρτύρησε γι’ αυτη.
Ας σιωπήσουμε λοιπόν, έτσι ως ελάχιστο σεβασμό στην μνήμη του, παραθέτοντας απλώς τι υποστήριζε και τι αποκάλυψε αδερφικός του φίλος λιγο μετά την δολοφονία:
Marshall asserts that the Saudi government was the true executioners of the 9/11 attack and framed their enemies while CIA special operations set up an elaborate decoy named Osama bin Laden to divert attention away from the Saudi operation. He follows the hijackers to flight training airports and finds that Saudi agents led the hijackers to the Arizona desert where Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 airliners were parked at a secluded CIA operated airport. The operators of the CIA airport were traced to suspicious insider stock trades on two airlines, United Airlines and American Airlines, the only two airlines used in the 9/11 attack. Marshall breaks down the tactical flight plan that was used by the hijackers and chronicles the actions of Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Saudi Arabian Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Dick Cheney and George W. Bsuh to learn that their account of the attack was severely flawed.
Και τι είπε ο φίλος του:
Phil’s Friend February 7, 2013 at 2:24 pm #
I was a lifelong friend of Mr. Marshall, we went to High School together in Mandeville La. We have been in contact over the years and he is the last person to commit suicide much less kill the children he adored. Right now it is being spun that he was despondent over his divorce or money problems even bringing up the altercation he had with his wife’s sister to show he was somehow unbalanced.. He was separated from his wife for years and if I am correct his divorce was finalized. He never wore a wedding ring and dated other women. His exwife lived in Murphys away from the subdivision he lived in. They found his wedding ring sitting on top of the bullets for the glock making it look like he took it off before he shot his kids and himself. To me this is the tell. This is obviously a hit. Also he was on medical disability from United and was not hurting for money. I was last with him in late December to watch a Saints game with him at my home and he was great. He was telling me that I would not believe what would be in his next book concerning 9/11. I guess he was right. The fool that killed this man and his kids obviously did not know him very well.
Ο κάθε ένας λοιπόν, μπορεί να λεει το κοντό του και το μακρύ του για όλα τα θέματα. Αυτος ο άνθρωπος όμως αποκάλυψε την αλήθεια και μαρτύρησε γι’ αυτη.
Ας σιωπήσουμε λοιπόν, έτσι ως ελάχιστο σεβασμό στην μνήμη του, παραθέτοντας απλώς τι υποστήριζε και τι αποκάλυψε αδερφικός του φίλος λιγο μετά την δολοφονία:
Marshall asserts that the Saudi government was the true executioners of the 9/11 attack and framed their enemies while CIA special operations set up an elaborate decoy named Osama bin Laden to divert attention away from the Saudi operation. He follows the hijackers to flight training airports and finds that Saudi agents led the hijackers to the Arizona desert where Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 airliners were parked at a secluded CIA operated airport. The operators of the CIA airport were traced to suspicious insider stock trades on two airlines, United Airlines and American Airlines, the only two airlines used in the 9/11 attack. Marshall breaks down the tactical flight plan that was used by the hijackers and chronicles the actions of Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Saudi Arabian Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Dick Cheney and George W. Bsuh to learn that their account of the attack was severely flawed.
Και τι είπε ο φίλος του:
Phil’s Friend February 7, 2013 at 2:24 pm #
I was a lifelong friend of Mr. Marshall, we went to High School together in Mandeville La. We have been in contact over the years and he is the last person to commit suicide much less kill the children he adored. Right now it is being spun that he was despondent over his divorce or money problems even bringing up the altercation he had with his wife’s sister to show he was somehow unbalanced.. He was separated from his wife for years and if I am correct his divorce was finalized. He never wore a wedding ring and dated other women. His exwife lived in Murphys away from the subdivision he lived in. They found his wedding ring sitting on top of the bullets for the glock making it look like he took it off before he shot his kids and himself. To me this is the tell. This is obviously a hit. Also he was on medical disability from United and was not hurting for money. I was last with him in late December to watch a Saints game with him at my home and he was great. He was telling me that I would not believe what would be in his next book concerning 9/11. I guess he was right. The fool that killed this man and his kids obviously did not know him very well.
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